Yes, you guessed it. Socks & shoes are Kayne's new fascination. He loves wearing his sandals and new sports shoes so much that after an outing he gets pretty upset when he has to part with them. Socks included. This makes the simple task (well it used to be) of taking off socks quite complex as wails of strong protest would follow. So at times, to avoid a big fuss we give in and let him have his non-slip socks on in the house.
He has shown a strong liking for his Nike shoes. When he has them on, he would pace around and look down at them, admiringly. As Daddy says, the shoes added a "bounce" to his little strides. Strangely, he refuses to try on a cool pair of Crocs we've gotten for him. We wonder - could it be the flourescent yellow colour he dislike or the sculptural shape? Oh common Kayne, give the Crocs a chance please.
P/s: Btw, he is settling into pre-school quite nicely while Mommy's back at work. Let's pray for another good week. Amen!
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