Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Doodlings Days

Here are some of K's doodlings done early this morning. He loves drawing happy faces and today he decided to reinterpret the "cat".

Here's how the conversation went:-

Mom: "Kayne, that looks like a spider!"
Kayne: "No, it is a cat!"
Mom: "Wow, I love its whiskers!"

Doodling at the Timber Deck

CNY 2012

Chinese New Year Celebration this year at the big school, Etonhouse 764 was alot of fun. It was Kayne Jin's first dance performance in a group and he did pretty well remembering all the steps! Bravo Kayne!

Video Link:-

He took the pineapple home as a souvenir from all the festivities and gave a solo live performance to Daddy since a very frustrated Daddy was stuck in the London snow at the time.

Here's a video link of the kids' rendition of the CNY song:-

Yamaha Kid

Here are some new videos of Kayne at Teacher Maria's Yamaha Music Wonderland Class. He is enjoying the class alot these days and loves to sing the "do, re, mi...".

Video 1 - Exercising vocal cords