Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Annette Arrives

Annette arrives in Singapore on 11 December 2009 after 16 hours of air travel from Stuttgart via Abu Dhabi. The kid got acquainted with Annette & Hartmut over the weekend before they took off for their 5-week travel adventure at Vietnam & Cambodia. Here's what we did last Sunday at the Barrage.

Lovely weather, lovely dress.
Lovely smile.

Check out Singapore's new skyline - the Marina Bay Sands Resort & Casino and the Singapore Flyer at the background. The Marina Bay Sands is targeted for completion in February 2010. Anyone coming to visit? The kid is sure looking forward to explore the sky garden.

The happy kid...

On a happy day with 2 stickers on his tee

Bonding between Hartmut & little Kayne was amazing!

Kayne kept tugging at Uncle Hartmut's hand for more and more play.

Best friends!

By the end of the evening, Kayne grew very fond of them.
Here they are scaling the staircase.

We settled for a sumptious steamboat dinner with Yilin by the Barrage's dam and we all ate happily ever after! (er, except Kayne - he was running around)

Friday, December 11, 2009


The much anticipated playdate with Kieran was finally set up at the Singapore Zoo one fine weekend in November 2009. If my memory serves me right, the last time these two chaps met was when Kayne was 7+ months and Kieran, 3 months. Oh boy, how they have grown! Btw, Kieran's mom, Monica was Daddy's classmate in NTU.

Here are pictures of the "Yang di-Pertuan Agongs" in their prams...

Nice smile, Kieran!

"Kayne Jin Kor Kor, please move aside, I wanna take a solo shot!"

The white tiger - always a favourite!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

KL - here he comes!

Kayne Jin took a break from pre-school and spent the last week of November at Mama & Yeh Yeh's home in Sri Ukay, KL. Some things to remember from the trip:-
  • Favourite things at Mama & Yeh Yeh's home - laughing steps, curtains & the stereo!
  • Mama's birthday celebration with the family;
  • Gong Gong's birthday celebration;
  • The trip to the zoo with Kuma, little Arienne and family;
  • Somersaults and other acrobatic feats on Po Po's couch.

Here are photos from the trip to ZOO NEGARA...

The best part about Zoo Negara is the open plan and the fact that we could get up, close and personal with the animals which worked out great for the kids. Here's a Daddy Hippo & Baby Hippo taking a dip in the waterless moat.

Kuma with little Arienne and family

Monday, December 7, 2009

Terrific Twos

The kid is going through a very special phase at this point. We call it the "Wonderful Twos" or "Terrific Twos" contrasting to the all but too famous "Terrible Twos". Just 2 months shy from turning 24 months, the kid seems to be entering an extended happy period peppered with laughing spells and lots of clapping.
Here's a very encouraging Ms Laura getting Kayne in the mood for lots of clapping and stamping to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it". Video credit goes to Sun Lao Shi. Thank you!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Garden

After a satisfying Sunday nap,
the Kid sprang out of bed
and into the balcony;
Only to find that the leaves are alive
and so happy he was!

The touch & feel kid

Mr Limau, what nice leaves you have.

The just-out-of-bed look, saloon blows can't get any better.

Sound of the leaves
Shuffling to the breeze;
Brings on a smile,


Daddy and Mommy joined Kayne at the pre-school funfair on 2 October 2009, Friday. The sequence of events unfold quite simply.
Kayne and Mommy - Nice and dry
& some moments AFTER...
Soaking wet from head to toe at the height of water play, pausing for a Kodak moment.

Sun Lao Shi posing with a thoroughly drenched kid.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life's Little Moments

A friend's Facebook status says:-

'Each moment comes but once - savor it or lose it'.

How true. Sometimes we forget how transient life's little moments are until we are reminded by lovely videos taken of time gone by. We then realise that time past never slips away as they are ever present in our hearts.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Starfish Class Photo

This is Kayne's first class photo. It was taken within the 2 weeks of settling down in pre-school. You can tell from the shot who the 'new kids on the block' were. Our guess is that one is carrying a back pack and the other, ahem...the 'mighty grip' bottle. Long live security toys!

Monday, October 26, 2009


One hot Sunday morning at ECP, Spider-boy was on the run... again! He was particularly excited pacing along the running track, watching lots of people run and jog. Take a look at a very loud and focussed Spider-boy at his morning run.

Spider-boy is beginning to know his way around ECP. From our usual morning breakfast joint, he led Daddy all the way to the beach and the jogging track. There are 2 tracks at ECP, i.e. the bike-cum-roller blading lane and the jogging track. Somehow, the concrete drain tracks were more appealing to him...

Exploring the drain covers

The infamous arch

P/S: Btw, the spidey suit is Daddy's favourite. Kayne has yet to discover that the spider glows in the dark!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Marina Barrage

If you have not been to the Marina Barrage, perhaps you should! Kayne did just that and had great fun exploring the downtown icon last Sunday. The Marina Barrage is Singapore’s largest and most urbanised reservoir catchment-cum-park. (Sorry, Uncle Hartmut, didn't get you to join us this time around) We'll definitely visit again some time soon, maybe with some sandwiches over a picnic.

Photo of Marina Barrage from http://www.news.gov.sg

Daddy's little 'Paupei'

Monday, October 19, 2009

Doodle Board

Kayne is getting quite good at doodling and erasing with the doodle board. This video confirms speculations that he could be left handed. However, we have noticed that he seems more proficient doodling with his right hand. And so, the speculation continues...


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life in Pre-school

Here's a video showing little moments spent in pre-school, created by Sun Lao Shi on Children's Day, 1 October 2009.


Look out for:-

  1. Art Sessions - He loves these sessions especially when they are involving playdough, paint or glue. Teachers said he can sit down for 20 mins at times.
  2. Crawling through 'tunnel' during Outdoor time.
  3. 'Mighty grip' water bottle - Kayne's best friend and security toy.
  4. Nepali outfit worn during Hari Raya Celebration. This outfit was meant for CNY 2010, but ahem, it's already too tight :(


Sunday, October 11, 2009


If tees could convey one's personality, then this one says it quite nicely for little Kayne - in the most literal sense.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mad about hats

Mommy's really thrilled by the new clothes + accessories received from Ee Ee and Ku Ma recently. We have not had the chance to try them all as yet. One sure thing is that his pre-school outfit collection is growing steadily. Here's Kayne with hat from Ku Ma, fresh from the post. The hat's a great fit and providing shade from the strong sun rays especially during outdoor time at pre-school.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Little Piano Man

'Play' us a song you're the piano man...'Play' us a song tonight...

Kayne's interest for the base clef is evident. When he's at the piano, he loves hitting those low keys. Perhaps intrigued by its rich, mellow tone. Daddy has another theory - perhaps he is left handed? Oh well, we'll see. Meanwhile, click on the link to check out Kayne's serious rendition of the bass notes.

He was at the piano for almost 15 mins this morning. The intensed bass note playing must have taken a toll on his index finger. You will see Kayne 'exercising' his finger during intermission.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sports Day

Here are some pics from Sports Day which was held in early August 2009. From the pics, you can almost guess that it was Kayne's early days in Pre-School. That explains the not-so-happy face eventhough he was at waterplay which is his all time favourite activity. Notice how he was not quite following the rules...(of the game)!

Kayne's 'best' friend and 'ko ko' - Jadon, 2 years
(They accompany each other till end of day each day)

Kayne's class mate - Annika, 19 months

Some updates: Kayne will be having Hari Raya Puasa celebrations in school tomorrow. The kids are asked to wear national costumes in line with the festive mood :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Morning run

It was a hot sunny Saturday morning in ECP. After a satisfying breakfast (Kaya and butter toast included), Kayne just felt like running, perhaps to shake off the calories. :) Here are the videos of Kayne at work. The 2nd one ended just as he was raring to go. The camera read "memory card full" - which was thoroughly disappointing. Lesson learnt: Delete unwanted photos!
See if you can spot:
  1. A man brisk walking with his parrot;
  2. Daddy;
  3. A Nana look alike saying hi to Kayne.

Many brisk walkers offered Kayne a 'five'. He ran in spurts but covered about 50m.

Click on link to Video 1:


Click on link to Video 2:


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Swimming sensation

Kayne had a smashing good time in the pool last weekend. Take a look at the happy face.

"Common Daddy, put your head in the water!"