Monday, September 21, 2009

Little Piano Man

'Play' us a song you're the piano man...'Play' us a song tonight...

Kayne's interest for the base clef is evident. When he's at the piano, he loves hitting those low keys. Perhaps intrigued by its rich, mellow tone. Daddy has another theory - perhaps he is left handed? Oh well, we'll see. Meanwhile, click on the link to check out Kayne's serious rendition of the bass notes.

He was at the piano for almost 15 mins this morning. The intensed bass note playing must have taken a toll on his index finger. You will see Kayne 'exercising' his finger during intermission.


  1. Kayne, your performance has improved, you are sitting on the chair, playing with both hands - looking like a pro. Need to practise your scales though to get the little fingers used to exercise :p

  2. We can't agree more. He has definitely improved!The strength of his fingers have increased and he is going around the house clicking away on those powerpoint switches. No scales yet, but somehow, strangely he likes to hit the "E" and "A" note simultaneously and that gives a "perfect 4th" sound - if I remember those musical terms correctly!
