Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Words

Everyone waited anxiously to hear Kayne’s first words. Patience finally paid off and endearing rewards are aplenty. Here are 10 things you should know about the kid, since the time he chose to speak:-

  1. He is crazy over colours. He points to his books and rattles on: “ed (red), buu (blue), een (green), rain (orange), tletle (purple), ack (black), chik (pink)”. Blue and green are his favourite. He will hold up the flash cards, e.g. with the blue and green on each hand and raise them up alternately like an enthusiastic cheerleader and go “buu, een, buu, een, buu, een, buu, een”!
  2. His interest for the Old Macdonald’s song started with him chanting the “O” when Daddy and Mommy went “E, I, E, I, O”. Now, he says the whole thing passionately but haphazardly, “E, II, EE, I, E…..OOOOOO”.
  3. He developed this association recently: ‘crying’ = ‘tissue paper’. If he is upset and wails, he wants to have the tissue paper at hand to wipe away the tears and clear his leaky nose. He will grip the tissue tightly as if savouring the solemn moment. Teachers at school encourage him to throw the tissue away after use. They go, “Kayne, please throw it away” and Kayne recently went “Cho ay” as in “throw away”.
  4. We always guessed the little kid had some sort of ‘fashion sense’. When Mommy says, “Put on the green shoes”, he would insist to wear the blue one. Recently, when Mommy and Kayne were getting ready to get out of the house, he picked out shoes for Mommy! Mind you, he protested strongly this morning when Mommy insisted to wear the black pair because he chose the grey one for Mommy instead! No choice, gotta put on the grey one instead!
  5. He is enjoying verbalising and asking for things (mostly food!) and in turn getting what he asked for. He loves asking for “nana” as in banana. Last night, while flipping through a book with a picture of a bunch of grapes, he went “ack” 3X as in “grapes”. In the mornings, he would go “Mer” as in Milk and during mealtimes he'll ask for 'more'!
  6. In anticipation of the May trip back to KL, Mommy pointed out to some family photos, and asked Kayne, “Where is Por Por?”. He pointed at Ee Ee! Mommy said, “That’s Ee Ee” and Kayne agreed and said “Ee Ee” and called Por Por, “Or Or”.
  7. Daddy’s in love with the way his little boy calls him now and that’s “Dee Dee”. When calm and composed, the kid calls out to Mommy, “Mah Mah”. When exasperated, he yells “Ma muay” or “Ma yeeeeeeee”.
  8. He’s faring very well doing No. 1 and No. 2 on Kuma’s potty at home. When doing No. 2, Mommy and Daddy will be there to cheer him on. And when he succeeds, he claps in delight and looks forward to flush!
  9. One day in pre school after nap time, the kids gathered in a circle for story time. Ms Laura asked,”How is everyone feeling today?”. No one answered that day, but Kayne surprisingly replied at the top of his voice, “INE” as in “fine, thank you!” much to everyone’s delight.
  10. He always enjoy a good Sesame Street show on DVD and will “act” or “dance along” to the video. He loves it when Billy Joel sings the “A, B, C” on Sesame Street. His favourite alphabets are, (Yes, you guessed it!) "O", "D" - for duck , "X"!


  1. Kayne Kayne,

    Kuma cannot wait to catch up with you and hear what you will call me :p

    Good job on No 1 and No 2.

    Lots of love,

  2. Hi there Mel. I think he will enjoy the trip back as he always does. He really loves being around more people!

  3. Too cute! If you have time during your trip back, let's meet up!
