Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Doodle 4 fun

Here's Kayne and Mommy trying out the Aqua Doodle mat. The fast dry, paper-free design is ingenious. All that is needed is water to fill up the magic doodle pen and TADAH ~ a line appears. Little Picasso is however, a little distracted. :)


  1. He's a clever boy he is.

    "Why draw a line when Mommy can draw one for me AND make cute sounds at that. I've got the cutest Mommy! I think I'll just focus on churning out cute gurgles :)"

  2. Haha, churning out gurgles and mouthing the yummy doodle pen. Guess what - this is now Kayne's favourite video. Everytime the computer lights up, ON mode, he "asks" us to play it and smiles when hearing his own laughter! So vain!

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... yes...vain indeed! Don't think he follows after Mommy in this aspect. That would mean .... :p

  4. haiyah, this norty mommy keep asking me to "draw lines!".....he will progress to your wall soon y'know. HAHAHAHA

  5. Shelley - Hee hee... Mark read this and his remark was, "Shelley very smart ah!"

    Yilin - How, How? Once he start drawing on walls, I think I cannot tahan lah. Must keep a can of ICI white paint in the house!
