Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Swim Lesson 01

Recently, Daddy reconnected with uni mate, Dominic and family. Kayne got along with their lovely daughter, Sophie who we think is the most talented swimmer of their age. She's an inspiration :)

Kayne was invited to join in her swim class and we got to know Coach Uncle Jimmy. First swim lesson took place on the evening of 26 September 2012, Wednesday.

Coach Jimmy getting Kayne to relax.

Sophie in red; Kayne on left.

Managed to shoot K doing bicycle riding-treading in water:

Video 01

Video 02

*Pink goggles on loan from Sophie for first lesson! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Soccer Mania

My baby, all grown up.

Managed to catch the end part of K's soccer practice yesterday, 18 September 2012. We think the soccer lessons at school are good exposure for him, however, the scotching hot afternoon sun (3pm) may not be the best. Okay, now we know how he got so tanned :)

Here he is in the No. 11 jersey.


Bought him the Lego Duplo Mat today and this is what he built - his intepretation of DO-RE-MI keys.

He built a tower with 8 'voids' and said "Mommy, this is DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TI-DO".

We added the 'extensions' to the voids to amplify the idea.

Wonderful Casio SA-47

I stumbled upon the Casio SA-47 at the Singapore Expo while shopping with good friend Yilin and Kayne. It proved to be the best buy ever! Kayne loves it and can't stop exploring the many pre-recorded tunes, beats and tones. He seemed to have figured out playing with the minus-one by himself, however, with just one finger (recorded in the morning before breakfast):-

Will definitely take along for next car ride to KL to keep him busy.